What do we do?

With appelerdeletranger.com you can call any French number from abroad including short numbers (usually 4 digits) and premium rate lines (numbers starting by 08).

These special numbers are indeed normally only available from France and without appelerdeletranger.com simple situations could become very painful. For instance:

Subscribing or unsubscribing a membership Contacting the French administrations and companies Contacting after sales services Blocking or renewing a credit card Getting satellite TV Appelerdeletranger.com is very simple to use. All you need to do is call our number in your country (without international prefix) and the cost of the communication will be directly taken from your telephone bill.

When the call starts, you will hear the price of the call and after the beep, you can dial the number you wish to reach followed by the # key. You are now talking like if you were in France!

Appelerdeletranger.com, le premier service pour contacter tous les numéros courts, spéciaux et surtaxés français depuis l’étranger.
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